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Flying with an Ostomy - Introduction

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Flying causes anxiety and stress for many people. Flying with an ostomy can cause anxiety to soar into the stratosphere. For me it was a combination of unknowns and what ifs that had a grip on me.

What causes your anxiety? Figuring out what to bring? How to carry your supplies? Security Screening? Restroom access during flights? Dealing with leaks and blowouts away from home? Lost supplies/luggage? Maybe one or more of these things or even all of the above?

We will address each one of these sources of anxiety in a series of short posts.

Links are below and if one item is of more interest to you than the others, you can skip the other sections.


Part 5: Flying with an ostomy - Dealing with leaks at the airport and in flight

Part 6: Flying with an ostomy - Carry On Supplies and Packing

Part 7: Flying with an ostomy - Determine How Much to Pack

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